Mail Settings
Go through the steps given in the document Thunderbird Configuration
Go through the steps given in the document Thunderbird Configuration
Create a .forward
(pronounced dot-forward) file in
your home directory on surya and specify the email address to which you want to forward the mails, on the 1st line.
If you want to save a copy of the mail on cse also, you will have to add on the second line in .forward
Goto and login with CSE id. On the left side menu, click on "Manage Forwarding" and in the box seen, enter the email address.
Faculty has to edit two files to configure auto-replies. Login to surya and edit the files below.
File1(~/.forward file and add a line as per the case):
A faculty may fall into only one of the three cases below, please choose your case and make the appropriate configurations:
1) If using procmail:
| "/usr/bin/procmail", "|/usr/bin/vacation cseldap"
2) If using personal gmail account for forwarding:, "|/usr/bin/vacation cseldap"
3) If not using procmail, also not using gmail:
"|/usr/bin/vacation your_cseldap"
File2(~/.vacation.msg file and add the line below):
Subject: Auto-Reply- Away from my mail
I am away on vacation till .....[Your Message]
Go through the steps given in the document Vacation steps
Go through the steps given in the document Thunderbird steps
Go through the steps given in the document Roundcube steps